I'm making my first attempt at banana bread. It is in the oven right now. I can smell it as I type. And it smells oh so delicious. Let's hope I'm successful. In other news, I've decided I need to make it a priority to record my funny, frustrating, and saddening stories from my first year of teaching. I'll start with the first couple. I have several already, but some of them aren't funny without names, and if I changed the names, I don't think they'd be as funny. Anyway, stories one and two, both having to do with the same student whom we'll falsely call Aiden. I have a very noisy student. I think he's great, and hilarious, which is tricky for disciplining. How can I discipline if I laugh? Anyway, he likes to make noise in whatever way he can. One day while I was going over the syllabus, he finally stopped talking. But while I was talking, he was picking up his pen and dropping it on his desk repeatedly. Every three seconds or so, one could hear a...