Actual Picture, and More Stories

Well, here is my school picture. I feel like a junior high student again. It's kind of fun getting free pictures. It's not so much that I like having pictures of myself (I'm sending them to my mom), but I like that they were free. Besides, it's cool to commemorate my first year of teaching.

Oh, darling. You can even see the bags under my eyes. So attractive. I'd like to send a public thank you to Cody for telling me I look like a sultry minx in this picture. Woo woo. Don't we all like to know there is a sultry minx hidden within us? Oh yes.

So, I yelled at a student the other day. I don't so much feel like going into details. He made me angry by interrupting me in front of the class. Then he made me angry by telling me that he didn't have an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT handout which I had given out two weeks ago, which we've been working on every day. He was present to receive that handout and has been present every day since then when the rest of the class has consistently pulled out their handouts. So I'm not sure what the crap he's been doing every day for the last two weeks, but needless to say, I was angry.

In that same day, Aiden "Satin" made me angry also. He was being rowdy and looking for ways out of his work. He stayed after to apologize to me. I thought it was sweet.

The other day we were reading in Walk Two Moons. I let students volunteer to read the parts of certain characters. Following is an accurate excerpt from that reading. Mrs. Winterbottom is the mother, and Phoebe is the daughter.

Mrs. Winterbottom stabbed the brownies with a knife. "Want one?" she asked.

"They're burned," said Phoebe. "Besides, I'm too fat."

"Oh, sweetie, you're not fat," Mrs. Winterbottom said.

The reading had gone smoothly up until this point, or as smoothly as you could expect from an 8th grade class. So I read the narration, *Rheanna read the part of Mrs. Winterbottom, and *Andrea read the part of Phoebe.

Me: Mrs. Winterbottom stabbed the brownies with a knife.

Rheanna: Want one?

Me: She asked.

Andrea: They're burned

Me: said Phoebe.

Andrea: Besides, I'm too fat.

Rheanna: Oh, sweetie, you're not that fat.

As you can imagine, laughter erupted in the classroom due to that tiny four letter word that Rheanna added. Let's be honest, a mother telling her daughter she's not that fat is pretty hilarious.

It was a great little moment.

Another learning moment for me: check and re-check worksheet questions to make sure they are clear for students. It's a pain to have to explain to six classes what you REALLY meant to ask. My bad.

I've been collecting the journals on a weekly basis and getting them done before 4 o'clock on Thursdays and Fridays. So cool! I like it way better that way. It's so fast.

I had ward visits the other night. It was fun. Hopefully I can remember the names of the people who let us in. I'm so bad at it, I feel like. I've got so many names in my brain.

Anyway, I worked from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM today, and then at Blockbuster from 6 PM to 11:30 PM. Needless to say, I'm beat.

Generally though, life is good and manageable with lots of hiccups in between. God is good, my friends.

*names changed to protect students' identities*


Rheanna said…
I was shocked to see a student had the exact same name as me! Then I read the part where you changed their names. I'm honored you chose mine :) Love the blog!

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