This week has been absolutely insane. And it's only Wednesday. And I had Monday off. Uh? Yesterday I had work. I stayed for a while after work because I was doing my last interview with a student and her mom for my class. After that, I went home and headed to the gym, in spite of getting less than 5 hours of sleep Monday night. I came home, packed up all my books in boxes, and carried them down to my car from my third floor apartment. By myself. Books, people. Books. I got really sweaty, don't worry about that. Today I worked my BUTT off. You would think that having class parties would be pretty easy. It is, if you want your room to be a landfill at the end of the day. If you want a controlled, minimally messy, fair (non-welfare food taking) situation, it takes a lot of work. On top of coordinating the food eating and cleaning up, I had to have my kids do a bunch of housekeeping (cleaning out folders, trashing old papers, etc.). I managed to finish grading and entering ...