
This week has been absolutely insane. And it's only Wednesday. And I had Monday off. Uh?

Yesterday I had work. I stayed for a while after work because I was doing my last interview with a student and her mom for my class. After that, I went home and headed to the gym, in spite of getting less than 5 hours of sleep Monday night. I came home, packed up all my books in boxes, and carried them down to my car from my third floor apartment. By myself. Books, people. Books. I got really sweaty, don't worry about that.

Today I worked my BUTT off. You would think that having class parties would be pretty easy. It is, if you want your room to be a landfill at the end of the day. If you want a controlled, minimally messy, fair (non-welfare food taking) situation, it takes a lot of work. On top of coordinating the food eating and cleaning up, I had to have my kids do a bunch of housekeeping (cleaning out folders, trashing old papers, etc.). I managed to finish grading and entering my last class of essays, plus all my homeroom kids' work. This means grades are done! I had to babysit another teacher's class on my prep period for her to go to 9th grade Lagoon day. I spent the latter part of the day doing more housekeeping and packing up of my classroom. I left work and followed Tommie to the storage place. We got our unit, and (thankfully) she helped me get my 11 boxes into the unit. After that, I came home, got changed, and went to the gym, where I did some reading for my class on the elliptical. I left the gym, then spent about an hour and a half doing my 5 page long interview write-up for my class while eating dinner. Afterward, I put on So You Think You Can Dance (a half hour late, sadly), while I packed more stuff up in my apartment. I got all my holiday stuff organized and in boxes and loaded into my car, with some other things getting stored away. Around 9:30 I finished that, then I did dishes. Then I spent half an hour doing yesterday's and today's scripture reading (which were amazing chapters, by the way, so it's OK). And in the few spare minutes between then and now, I pinned a few things on Pinterest and read a couple of blogs. Did I mention I am still in my gym clothes? And I'm hungry again. Wow. I think I need a break.

But nope. Tomorrow is work, more storage unit drop-offs, gym, and a few hours devoted to my church calling responsibilities. On Friday, just add an oil change and a first-meeting date thing into the mix.

Not to mention my classroom needs to be packed up and organized--things off tables, desks, shelves, etc., because the carpet is getting cleaned this summer. I've had just about enough of boxes and packing, people. Seriously. And I'm not even close to being done.

I'm trying to keep in mind that it will all be worth it with the money I will save. And it is nice to actually toss/donate some things and get organized with all the stuff I'm keeping. Feels good.

Sonic shake, anyone?


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