To Take or Not to Take...

I want to take Polynesian Dance in the spring.

Tuition is $209 per credit hour for spring.

Dance = .5 credits. So $104.50? I'm not sure if it works that way.

I am also thinking about taking bowling. Also .5 credit. This is what I should expect. A skill test and a written test. Will it take the fun out of bowling? I'm not sure.

Dance? Bowling? Just dance? Both?


Also, keep me in your prayers. I'm a big faker, and I feel everything but stable right now. Thanks.


Unknown said…
I think you should take both! You need some fun classes in your schedule. You have worked hard over the past few years and you need a little break! but I want to c your dance moves next time I come down.
Take the bowling. I can't comment on the dance--but the sports classes are awesome. They are low key and refreshing change from the typical BS.
April said…
They both sound fun! So, I would take both...then you can teach all of us!
amelia said…
I've heard bowling is awesome. And I hope things look up for you.
Rachel said…
Take both! I think they'll be good spring activities for you and would be a ton of fun. :)
Angelique said…
Both or dance, definitely. I took a dance class last quarter and it was a great stress relief and tons of fun.

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