Troubled Waters
Things I love: -The gospel -Inspired leaders and friends (friend and RS president Holly said some things today that I loved) -The hymn entitled "I Believe in Christ," and the line that says "He lives to calm my troubled heart." Gets me every time -Consistent home teachers -My patriarchal blessing -Good roommates -Family, friends and colleagues who read my blog and support me or cheer me on (thanks Camille M, Breezy, Becky, Tonia, and everyone else) -Bangs that cover a zit -The phrases "holy buckets" and "Merlin's beard!" -When people laugh at my jokes or tell me I'm funny I realized today that I'm at one of those pivotal points in my life. You know, "You're starting high school! What a big girl you are!" "You're applying to colleges! I can't believe it!" Now I'm graduating college (never you mind that I just typed "graduation" instead of graduating, guess I'm ready for i...