Holy Motion Sensored Bathroom, Batman!

Well, day two of Tanner and I's gym goals was a success. We got up, and I was there at 6:02 AM, and Tanner, about five minutes after. Nevertheless I began my whole upper body routine, starting back at the beginning where I always do when it's been too long. 8 lbs, 5 sets of 10 reps instead of 12. I did most of my back stuff--seated rowing, another machine thing, and I cut my lat pulldown short by a few sets so I could finish with 15 minutes of cardio. I did my favorite--the elliptical. And I thoroughly enjoyed it, as sweaty as I got.

Tanner and I stayed in the parking lot for a few minutes after 7. He's so darling. He was very impressed that I had my own routine and whatnot. I must admit, I found him very attractive when I saw him lifting and stuff too. So there's a good benefit of seeing each other absolutely disgusting and sweaty--it's hot. Oh!

I got ready and went to Rachel's, cuz she's wonderful and followed me with her car to take my car to the shop. It's so bad. I hope it gets fixed. Service engine light on, oil leak, horrible exhaust, and whatever else I might not know of. Fortunately it's my uncle's father-in-law who is doing it for cost of parts only. So that will be good.

So Raytch gave me a ride back to her place, and I walked to work. I had to stop in the Wilk to buy a ticket to a stupid Spanish play I have to go to ALONE. Grr. What the heck, man? If I had known it was required to go to this play I would have worked it out so I could have at least gone with Mike or another pal who speaks Spanish.

At 12:40ish, Tanner came to pick me up for lunch. This is exciting because normally I go to his work to go to lunch with him. We went to my apartment for my entertainment book because I am the coupon queen. Woot. I'm not cheap, I just like to save money. And it was buy one menu item and a drink and get a second menu item and drink free. $7.50 for two chicken veggie bowls and two drinks. That's a steal, I'd say! I also had a coupon for frozen yogurt at Hogi Yogi, buy one get one for 99 cents. So that was delicious.

I had a fun time learning about Tanner's childhood friendships and stuff. I love conversations that just happen like that, when you don't have to deliberately ask--you just fall onto the topic somehow. We also talked about his job, how it works, the detailed stuff.

After we ordered our crazy mint collision frozen yogurt guy, I realized I had to urinate immediately. I went to the bathroom, and was surprised by its cleanliness. Aside from the dim lighting and the paper towel on the floor that someone couldn't manage to get into the trash can four inches away, it was a nice restroom. I proceeded to put toilet paper on the toilet seat because, let's face it, Utah's lack of sanitation laws in public restrooms is completely unacceptable. Before I was finished using the facility, the toilet started to flush. "Oh man, I didn't realize this was automatic. Stupid thing," I thought. "I'm not even finished yet, you stupid robot!" What is it with these things? They either don't flush when you're finished, no matter how frantically you wave your hands in front of the sensor, or they flush when you've been sitting down for six and a half seconds. What is this? If we're going to all be too lazy to flush the toilet ourselves, to turn on the sink ourselves, to pull down the paper towel ourselves, we should at least have reliable equipment to help us be more efficient.

Well, after finishing, and after the all-knowing toilet realized that I was actually done taking advantage of its purposes and flushed, I moved on to the sink. Oh, this is automatic too. That's fine, sure. Why not? Except that this sink was crazy turbo jet guy! It was releasing a whopping ounce of water at a velocity of 82.9 meters per second. Yeah. Heaven forbid I move my hands at the wrong angle--water will spray all over my cute shirt AND the mirror. Then what? We'd have water everywhere. And as Dane says, in a public restroom, everything is wet! I can't very well contribute to this wet bathroom epidemic. I just couldn't really help it, what with hardcore jacuzzi sink water coming at me like it was.

To my surprise, the soap dispenser was NOT automatic. "Dang it," I thought, "I don't get the pre-measured automatic squirt of soap into my hand. You mean I really have to lift up my hand and PUSH down on this soap dispenser? Geez." So I dispensed soap into my hand, lathered, and managed to rinse my hands without making it look like I had walked through a car wash.

"I need to dry my hands, I hope it's not an air dryer thing in this bathroom." I looked to my left, where there was a baby changing station. I looked to my right, and there on the wall was a handy-dandy motion sensored paper towel dispenser. "Sweet! I get to wave my hand in front of the little red light." At first I thought that the length of paper towel it gave me would be insufficient. But surprisingly, some thick and durable paper towelly goodness was dispensed. "This is sufficient," I decided.

But what? A door handle you have to grab and turn to open it? And no trash can by the door for me to throw it in? "Just great." I walked over to the trash cans out in the restaurant by the doors to throw this paper towel away, just for the sake of not being able to open the door.

You know, it's not too much for me to pick up my foot to flush the toilet. It's not a lot to simply turn up a knob to turn on the water. I can push down a soap dispenser, and heaven knows I can pump a paper towel out of a dispenser like there's no tomorrow. But I do NOT want to open the bathroom door with my bare hand.

So why doesn't someone do us all a favor and make an automatic bathroom door opener?


Rachel said…
"I've seen a lot of crazy things in my life, but that...was AWESOME! Yeah...sorry about your car man."
Cody said…
one day they'll have bathroom droids. im sure of it.
Tracy said…
Hey is the Spanish play you're going to called El Retrato Vivo? In the basement of the JFSB? Because if so, I went to see it last week, too bad, you should have come then!

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